
(С) Kräuter und Heilpflanzen

compiled by Lyn M. Parkinson

This table contains plants that are or have been used for medical purposes, as well as those for cookery. Some may no longer be considered safe to use. It is for purposes of translation, and is not an invitation to cook with unfamiliar plants without further research into their uses and liabilities.


ВНИМАНИЕ: названия следуют в порядке: German, Latin, English, Common

ВНИМАНИЕ: по мнению Noradyn в таблице есть ошибки См. комменты.

Ackermennig, Agimonia eupatoria, agrimony, cocklebur

Anis, Pimpinella anisum, anise seed

Basilikum, Ocimum basilicum, basil

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Gerard’s Herbal, The History of Plants. ed. Marcus Woodward, Studio Editions Ltd., London, 1994. ISBN 1 85958 051 3. Soft cover. Published 1597, London, by the physician who superintended Lord Burleigh’s gardens. Folklore, ‘vertues’, history. Edited with additional notes by the editor (introduction dated 1927).

Grieve, Mrs. M. A Modern Herbal. Vol. I A-H, Vol. II I-Z, Dover Publications, Inc., NY, 1971. An unabridged republication of the work originally published by harcourt, Brace & Co., 1931. The Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation and Folk-lore of Herbs, Grasses, Fungi, Shrubs & Trees with all their modern scientific uses.

Keville, Kathi. Herbs, An Illustrated Encyclopedia. A Complete Culinary, Cosmetic, Medicinal, and Ornamental Guide. Barnes & Noble, NY, 1997.

ISBN 0 7607 0486 4. primarily watercolors for illustrations

Ody, Penelope. The Complete Medicinal Herbal. Dorling Kindersly, NY, 1993. Good photos.

Parkinson, Lyn M. German-English Cookery Lexicon. Work in progress.

Romagnoli, Gioia and Vasetti, Stefania. Klassische Kräuter und Heilpflanzen. Flechsig. Stürtz Verlag GmbH, Würzburg, Germany. 1996. Original, Nardini Editore, Fiesole (FI), Italy, 1994. ISBN 3 88189 205 2. In German. Watercolors. Deutsche and Latin.