Доспехи- Шлемы.15-17 век.
Шлем Генриха VIII, 1511-1514
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Ceremonial Bronze Helmet Greek made in South italy 350-300
close Helmet with mask Visor Steel etched gilt Atrributed to Kolman Helmschmid German
--------------Henry VIII Rex: 1509 - 1547----------------------
Henry VIII Rex: 1509 - 1547
King Henry VIII's armor at the Tower of London
Доспехи Генриха VIII
NYC - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Field Armor of King Henry VIII of England by wallyg
Armour for field and tournament of Henry VIII. English, Greenwich, dated 1540
Его "рогатый" шлем- подарок Императора Максимилиана:
The horned helmet of Henry VIII by Xerones
Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds Collection;
16th century, full face parade helmet.
Очки были вроде бы без стекол, как пишет автор фото, надо полагать- для устрашения.
This helmet was made in Innsbruck between 1511-1514 by the master armourer Konrad Seusenhofer, and is all that survives of an armour presented by the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I to King Henry VIII of England.
I recall having read that the brass "spectacles" were intended to make the wearer look more fierce; they were not for lenses!
Scary Horned Helmet in Leeds
Armet of Henry VIII known as the Horned helmet. Austrian, Innsbruck, 1511–14 in Leeds Royal Armouries Museum
Horned Helmet
This 'helmet' was dredged from the River Thames at Waterloo Bridge in the early 1860s. It is the only Iron Age helmet to have ever been found in southern England, and it is the only Iron Age helmet with horns ever to have been found anywhere in Europe.
===================Lion Armour==============
Самый ранний шлем Ренессанса, голова Немейского льва из подвигов Геркулеса.
MediumSteel, copper-gilt, glass, polychromy, textile
This helmet is the earliest surviving example of Renaissance armor all'antica (in the antique style). The helmet represents the head of the Nemean Lion, whose pelt was worn as a headdress and cloak by the mythological hero Hercules.
Lion Armour
Lion Armour Helm, Royal Armouries, Leeds
The Royal Armouries in Leeds is well worth a visit. This damascened armour was made either in Italy or France about 1545-50. It is covered in fine gold work and embossed all over with lions heads.
Leeds: Lion Armour detail
Fine damascened armour, Italy or France, about 1545.
------------------Musée de l'Armée,Париж----------------------
Musée de l'Armée
Musée de l'Armée
Musée de l'Armée
--------------------Renaissance armour------------
Pauldron for the Right Shoulder of armor probably made for the Duke of Urbino or his son Italy Italy 1530-1535 Negroli embossed and gilt
Griffin-shaped Helmet Steel embossed and partly gilt and silvered italy (Milan or Brescia) about 1550 CE
close Helmet with mask Visor Steel etched German (Augsburg) about 1530 CE
Renaissance armour
Musée de l'Armée
Officer Helmet
Reinforce for a Helmet (Gupfe) produced by Mattheus Frauenpreis the Elder and Younger with etching by Jorg Sorg the Younger German 1549-1550 CE
Cabasset depiciting Roman Soldier Marcus Curtius leaping into a fiery abyss steel embosseed and damascened with gold and silver Italian Milan 1575 CE
Burgonet for parade armor attributed to Desiderius Helmschmid German (Augsburg) about 1550-1555 CE
Burgonet with Falling Buffe Steel blued and gilt French about 1550 probably made for Henry II of France
Ceremonial Plate Armor
Arms and Armor Court. the Metropolitan Museum of Ar
Burgonet with Buffe Steel etched and gilt Italian but probably made for the French market 1555-1560 CE
Burgonet embossed steel workshop of Filippo and Francesco Negroli Italian (Milan) 1545-1550 CE
Close Helmet Embossed etched and party gilt steel attributed to Giovanni Paolo Negroli Italian (Milan) 1540-1545 CE
Burgonet, Milan 1543
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC
Burgonet Embossed steel damascened with gold by Filippo Negroli Italian Milan 1543
Photographed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York
Burgonet embossed with fleur-de-lis French about 1630 possibly made for King Louis XIII
Shield depicting Saint George Slaying the Dragon Steel embossed and damascened with gold and silver Italian (Milan) 1550-1570 CE
Burgonet Embossed etched partly gilt steel Italian from Milan 1550-55 CE
Parade Helmet a l'Antique Steel Brass textile French 1630 probably created for a member of the court of Louis XIII
Helmet in the Classical Style Bronze silvered and blued gilt bronze silk and metallic yarn French Paris probably about 1760-70
Еще по теме:
Jacob de Gheyn II. Мушкетеры и ландскнехты.-ТУТ
Мужчины в латах. 15-18 век-ТУТ
Рыцарские турниры и бои из книги 'De Arte Athletica' 1500-х гг.-ТУТ
Оригинал взят у в Старинные шлемы и доспехи.15-16 век. Часть 2.
Старинные шлемы и доспехи необыкновенной красоты.15-16 век. Часть 2.
Каких только шлемов не было- шлем в очках с рогами императора Максимилиана я уже выкладывала, теперь- шлем-волк, шлем-петух, шлемы с дельфинами.
Здесь потрясающие шлемы из разных музеев и вещи 16 века работы мастеров-братьев Negroli.
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---------------Разные музеи-------------------
Yelmo de gala, tipo burgonet, llamado de La Hidra
Provenencia ; Venecia. Italia. hacia 1560
Acero damasquinado, engrabado.
Armory Hermitage Museum.
-------------Higgins Armory Museum--------------
Mortuary Helmet
English, second half of 17th century
Steel, iron, pain
Vienna, of 1529, by Hans Seusenhofer of Innsbruck, Austria, for King Ferdinand I (1503-1564).
Wolf Faced Visor
Parade Burgonet Repro 2
Higgins Armory Museum, Worcester, MA
Helmet in the form of sea conch shell
Nagasone Tōjirō MIstumasa; signed "Echizen no kuni ju Mitsumasa; Nagasone Tojiro saku"
Japan, 1618
Iron with traces of lacquer
Аугсбург, Германия, 1515 год.
Close helmet with mask visor
Germany (Augsburg - attributed to Kolman Helmschmid), ~1515
Rooster helmet
Germany (Augsburg), ~1530.
Шлем с усами
Side View of Moustached Helmet
Лидс, музей
Piccinino, Lucio (possibly, maker)
ca. 1590 (made)
The Morosini Helmet" (Visored burgonet)
Probably Italy (Milan), ~1550-60.
Helmet Italian 1550 CE Embossed Steel
Photographed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Detail of the Four Captives also known as Four Defeated Nations, Louvre Museum, Paris-FR
kunsthistorisches Вена
-------------Filippo and Francesco Negroli--------
Одни из самых выдающихся мастеров, среди их заказчиков были: the Emperor Charles V and the dukes of Urbino, Francesco Maria I and Guidobaldo II della Rovere.
Несколько картинок были в первом посте, здесь они для полного впечатления:
Circa 1532–35
Made by Filippo Negroli
Milan, Italy
Morion,together with the buckler 30-01-02/61 a present to Emperor Karl V from his brother Ferdinand,1541.
Filippo and Francesco Negroli Helmet (Burgonet) of Emperor Charles V, 1545 Patrimonio Nacional, Real Armería, Madrid
Filippo Negroli, Parade Helmet of Emperor Charles V, 1533 Patrimonio Nacional, Real Armería, Madrid
Giovanni Paolo Negroli
Embossed and partly gilt steel. Filippo Negroli (1510-1579). Italian (Milan), dated 1530-1535.
National Gallery of Art
Burgonet in the form of a dolphin mask
Italy (Milan: Giovanni Paolo Negroli), 1540-45.
Burgonet, 1543
Made by Filippo Negroli (ca. 1510–1579)
Italian (Milan)
Steel, embossed and damascened with gold
Burgonet embossed steel workshop of Filippo and Francesco Negroli Italian (Milan) 1545-1550 CE
Embossed pageant shield with Medusa head (1541)
Rodela de la Medusa de Carlos V
Filippo y Francesco Negroli, Milán, 1541
Real Armería de Madrid
------Patrimonio Nacional, Real Armería------
Настоящие доспехи из музея и портреты их владельцев:
Felipe III. Alegoría de la educación de Felipe III, de Justus Tiel, Óleo sobre lienzo, 158 x 105 cm. 1595, Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado
El Conde de Benavente. Armadura "La labor de las flores" montada como el retrato de Pimentel, de Desiderius Helmschmid. Acero repujado, grabado y dorado. Augsburgo, ca. 1550
Felipe II. Felipe II de Tiziano. Óleo sobre lienzo, 193 x 111 cm. 1550 - 1551. Madrid, Museo Nacional del Pradо
------Patrimonio Nacional, Real Armería------
Italian, 16th Century
Helmet (Burgonet) of Philip II, Milan, c. 1560–1565 embossed, gold- and silver-damascened steel
Desiderius Helmschmid, German, documented 1513–1579
Helmet of Emperor Charles V, Augsburg, c. 1540
Embossed, etched, and gilt steel
Patrimonio Nacional, Real Armería, Madrid
Hełm typu burgonet Mediolan, ok. 1545–1550, stal, złoto
Kolman Helmschmid, Helmet (Burgonet) of Emperor Charles V, c. 1530, Patrimonio Nacional, Real Armería, Madrid
Burgonet 1550
Desiderius Helmschmid, Helmet of Emperor Charles V, c.1540, Patrimonio Nacional, Real Armería, Madrid
Pair of Gauntlets Belonging to an Armor of Philip II of Spain
Desiderius Helmschmid (German, Augsburg, 1513–1579)
Pair of Gauntlets Belonging to an Armor of Philip II of Spain
Desiderius Helmschmid (German, Augsburg, 1513–1579)
ca. 1585 - 'gauntlet', Greenwich, Le Grand Curtius, Liège, province of Liège, Belgium
Anshelm Arms's finger gauntlets turn heads
----------------Защита ног-------------
Копировала моду эпохи:
Sabaton with long pointed toe in imitation of the winklepicker boots fashionable among the medieval nobility
Feet of armor by Helmschmied
Steel, c. 1485
by Lorenz Helmschmied
German (Augsburg) 1445-1516
Foot of armor
Armoured foot in Cleveland Museum of Art
Knee of armor by Helmschmied
Steel, c. 1485
by Lorenz Helmschmied
German (Augsburg) 1445-1516
Elefante con armadura, y jineta con cota de mallas
Ejercito de algun maharadjah.
India siglos XVII - XVIII segun informes encontrados.
Royal Armory Museum
Шлем Генриха VIII, 1511-1514
Доспехи- Шлемы.15-17 век.-ТУТ
Гульфики и Латы. Часть 2. как ходили по нужде рыцари в латах?-ТУТ
Доспехи.Латы для лошадей и собак-ТУТ
Доспехи самураев, а также кошек,мышек и собак.-ТУТ
Военные в живописи и их доспехи -ТУТ
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